[Vwdiesel] 2.25 inch exhaust

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Sun Apr 23 19:53:21 EDT 2006

Terry Briggs wrote:
> Well I got some good news. Having talked with a diesel guru the other 
> day, he told me that the cutoff for any type of increase in pipe 
> diameter would be around 2.5" for a 1.6 na diesel. The one thing that 
> he said would help the greatest, along with a size increase would be 
> some sort of performance header like the hotrods use. I don't think 
> they make such a thing for a VW diesel, and I don't have the cash to 
> have one fabricated from stainless {if your gonna do it, do it right}  
> So I have it setup to go to a shop around here and have the exhaust 
> ripped out from about half way down the head pipe back. 2.25" pipe, 
> with one of those california turbo mufflers. They are short with very 
> little restriction and only cost $20, it's either that or try just a 
> glass pack and tail pipe. Will be interesting to see what happens with 
> the fuel mileage.

You can get headers that fit the 1.6D (gas engine headers fit), or get a dual outlet stock 
manifold and bolt up a non-cat dual downpipe from Techtonics Tuning.  It'll flow as well 
as a header and hold up to the diesel engine vibration better.


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