[Vwdiesel] Canadian vehicle

pmdolan at sasktel.net pmdolan at sasktel.net
Wed Apr 26 09:45:14 EDT 2006

Pretty simple really:

If the vehicle is over 15 years of age (i.e. 1991 model year or earlier), you just buy it in the US and bring it through the border.

For ALL vehicles, you first need the US title (a big deal with them) properly signed over to you.  Then, you need to contact the US Customs border station through which you intend to cross, at least FOUR business days in advance, and send them a copy of the signed title.  They will then do a title search (for stolen I believe) and then advise you it is ready to cross.  If you don't do that, there is no way you can go through.

If it is a newer vehicle, you must first contact the Registrar of Imported Motor Vehicles programme (do a web search or call the Government of Canada information lines) to find out if your particular model is going to be allowed in Canada.  The rule is, if that model wasn't sold here, it won't be coming in for 15 years.  They will advise you as to legality, and what things you will have to do to that particular car to make it compliant with Canadian law.  Usually, it is bumper stuff, daytime running lights, etc.  On some cars (VW) it is very cheap and easy with junkyard stuff (or nothing at all), while on others, you could be in deep doo-doo.

When all of that is out of the way, drive to the Canadian Customs booth, give them your paperwork (which you got from US customs and Canadian program) and they will charge you the GST, and if it is not a US-made car, the duty (usually under 2%, but call before you buy if you are worried).

Nother note:  If the car is in you personal name, you can cross at any port, but if it is in a company name, you must use a commercial port, and probably want to pay a broker for the entry too.  I like going to non-commercial ports, where it is quiet and friendly.


----- Original Message -----
From: Rudy <petersenrudy at hotmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 7:08 pm
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Canadian vehicle

> Can anyone here give me the lowdown on bringing a vehicle to the 
> US from
> Canada?  Or direct me to where I can get this information.  Thanks.
> Rudy
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