[Vwdiesel] turbo parts for sale

Justin and Chelly Bennett cjb at midrivers.com
Sat Apr 29 15:06:16 EDT 2006

To the list,
Rudy got ahold of me first on the turbo stuff, so I am giving him first 
crack.  Brian is second and Doug is third. 

>Revisions to origonal ad.  I will sell the manifolds and turbo seperate 
>from the block.  Set the price low since I don't really know anything 
>about the pieces.  They were part of a lot of VW bits that I bought last 
>summer.  There is a head also, but I don't know if it is a turbo head or 
>not.  The turbo spins free and the compressor hasn't been f.o.d.ed out.  
>It will need to have fresh bearings as there is some endplay.  If anyone 
>is interested let me know, and please pass the info on to anyone else 
>that might be interested.

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