[Vwdiesel] [Audi-VW-Diesels] Turbo conversion
David Cook
vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 4 11:26:39 EDT 2006
Thanks James-
I was planning on probably just replacing the volt
gauge on the Cabby (doesn't work all that great
anyway...) with an EGR if I did the conversion.
I do know about the fuel screw and adjusting it,
though I haven't practiced with it a whole lot.
(Haven't needed to really.)
I do have a yellow dot pump, does that change
--- James Hansen <jhsg at sasktel.net> wrote:
> Start with the injectors you have. No big
> difference from a performance
> perspective from what you will see running
> essentially a detuned td.
> As far as pumps go, there is no difference in
> operation between the TD
> and NA pumps aside from the boost aneroid on the td
> pump. What it does,
> is add additional fuel when the engine is under
> boost, and limit fueling
> when there is no boost. How much and how fast it
> comes on is
> adjustable, but only adds fuel up to the amount set
> by the max fuel
> screw. For starters, you can try this setup without
> a TD pump, but the
> differences are when you have a mechanical pump set
> up to provide the
> right fuel under boost, in off boost conditions
> (like between shifts)
> you will see a puff of smoke until boost comes on.
> A pump that has higher max fuel setting and no
> aneroid will outperform
> the one with the aneroid, but will smoke when off
> boost.
> Just a note about boost pressures. The difference
> between a diesel with
> a turbo to add air to increase the VE (volumetric
> efficiency), and hence
> efficiency overall, and one that is adding
> additional fuel to take
> advantage of the extra O2 that is there under boost
> conditions is huge.
> More fuel initially may smoke, but the boost
> pressure rises very
> quickly, is very driveable, has no discernable lag.
> This is not how you
> would set things up if shooting for fuel mileage for
> instance. No
> aneroid and no puff of smoke will give you an engine
> that is only a tad
> better than you have, but will run cooler, and get
> better mileage.
> Bear in mind, mileage is largely controlled by your
> right foot in a
> diesel anyway, so if you can drive for mileage, you
> will get it. If you
> can't, you won't.
> Some internal differences...
> heh...., yeah well, those internal differences are
> what makes it a
> turbocharged engine versus a non-turbocharged
> engine.
> There are surprisingly few differences between a
> triathlete and someone
> with good cardio but carrying twenty extra pounds.
> Only one will do triathlons. that is kind of the
> difference here.
> Do not ever delude yourself that you can always
> drive it with less
> throttle, or that the ONE time you borrow the car to
> a friend it will
> not melt a piston going up that long grade in one
> gear too high unless
> you take steps to prevent that entirely. It's not a
> big deal to
> accomplish, but exhaust gas temperature is
> controlled entirely by the
> maximum allowed fueling, and that is what you have
> to setup with some skill.
> It would be monumentally foolish to lose an engine
> over not buying a
> fifty buck exhaust temperature gauge. Install this
> pre-turbo when you
> install the TD components. Then you know for sure
> what you have, you
> know the amount of fueling required to attain
> performance without
> decreasing longevity. Once this is installed, you
> can do some WOT runs
> and see what it gets to. If the pump is set to
> factory spec for an NA
> engine, you will very likely see low temps to start
> with... So... to
> attain better performance and mileage, you are most
> likely going to have
> to increase fueling. Not to be an ass, but if you
> don't know which
> screw this is, or how to do this, buy a book about
> Bosch fuel injection
> systems, specifically one on VE pumps. You will
> never regret this.
> Once the pump is set to give a max EGT of
> 1000-1100, you should be at
> a point of best state of tune and longevity- (with
> pump timing at 1.00mm)
> Need timing tools, ZDMAK is pretty economical, and
> he has treated me fairly.
> -James
> David Cook wrote:
> > Hey all-
> >
> > I know where I could get a kit of parts off a
> turbo
> > diesel Jetta to install on my Cabby's engine.
> >
> > I know the general concensus is that there are
> some
> > internal differences in the engine, but as long as
> I
> > don't go crazy on the accelerator it should be
> okay.
> >
> > Here is the question: Do I need a different
> injector
> > pump and injectors, or can I continue to use the
> ones
> > on the motor right now? I know that the pop
> pressure
> > on the td injectors is a little higher, but how
> much
> > difference does it really make?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > David
> >
> > David Cook
> > Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
> > Red '90 g60 Corrado
> > Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599
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