[Vwdiesel] Cracked Head JB Weld?

Maynard Southard echomhs at gis.net
Mon Aug 7 12:42:14 EDT 2006

I've described my experience with JB Weld several years ago on this list, so
I won't go into all the details, but I fixed a crack in the block of my 1.5L
that extended into the water jacket and the headbolt hole. Properly prepared
and applied, this product is amazing. I put over 70k miles on the repair and
then sold it in running order. I made one reapplication during that time. It
is certainly possible that your friend's repair will last a good while. I'd
suggest monitoring it regularly. Of course, don't we all have spare heads
hanging around, just in case? :-o

'82 Vanagon Diesel
'86 DoubleCab Diesel

> -----Original Message-----
> Looking over a friend's 92 Golf (84 1.6NA rabbit engine) I 
> noticed some
> JB Weld under the little hoist (or whatever) nub just below the valve
> cover on the front of the head next to the timing belt cover.
> I'm told the crack is only to the oil passages and the head 
> gasket seems
> fine and there's no oil in the coolant reservoir.
> Will this repair hold for a while or should we line up a new head?
> Will Taygan
> Chugiak, AK
> 1981 1.6NA Pickup
> 1994 1.6TD FrankenJetta
> 1975 Mercedes 240D "The rust bucket"

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