[Vwdiesel] exhaust sound

S. Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Mon Dec 4 23:17:18 EST 2006

MLightner wrote:

>I've yet to take my Jetta (85 1.6 TD) out on the open road and opened 
>'er up, for obvious reasons, but I'm wondering
>if it's usual for it to sound kinda like a tricked-out  high revving 
>little sports car;  once the tach gets above about 2,500 and at or 
>nearly at WOT.  

I pulled my downpipe off just past the turbo once for diagnostic 
purposes.  It was a little loud, but very tolerable.  I was tempted to 
not stick it back on, but I thought I ought to at least get the fumes 
past the cab.  You might indeed have nothing inside the muffler.  I 
guess as long as you can tolerate the sound.....


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