[Vwdiesel] Cleaning your Grubby Clothes

Val Christian val at mongobird.com
Tue Dec 5 13:25:51 EST 2006

Some clothes washers are sensitive to overfill conditions, such as 
when soap bubbles from the detergent form (from overuse of detergent /
wetting agents / laundry soap), and that condition combined with 
diesel oil, wetting agents, etc. working their way through a bearing 
seal can lead to premature main bearing failure.

My family has a habit of taking extremely dirty clothes, and getting
them clean with excessive laundry detergent, etc.  In the case of 
a front loading Neptune washer, this is not a desireable state.
In my case, I have replaced the main shaft bearing twice, and expect 
to do it again.  With the Neptune, this involved replacing the 
outer tub, and pressing (really beating) the shaft of the inner
tub out of the bearing.  It's several hours work each time, with 
people continually asking when the washer will be done.  The washer 
cleans pretty well, but is not engineered for the long haul.  In 
the case of dealing with VW diesel stained clothes, it is not the 
machine of choice...unless someone else maintains it.

I've considered tyvek suits for the messy jobs...bought a couple, 
but have not used them.  About $6 or so from your local car paint 
supplier.  $1 more, with a hood.


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