[Vwdiesel] "Floating" A/C Compressor-need bolts

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Sat Dec 9 14:29:03 EST 2006

David Cook wrote:
> My A/C is currently "floating" in between the
> alternator and crank pullies.  The bolts that hold it
> to the engine get lost every few months, I don't know
> if they/it is breaking or are backing out, or what. 
> This isn't the first time it has happened.
> I cannot remember what kind of bolt exactly is
> supposed to be used for the back part of the a/c
> compressor.  Is it one long through bolt, or two
> shorter bolts, threaded in from each side?
> engine is from an '81 Rabbit, has A/C and power
> steering.
> Thanks,

This is what I did to fix my '81 A/C:


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