[Vwdiesel] blinking alternator light ??
David Cook
vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 11 16:19:00 EST 2006
I bought a small, cheap trickle battery charger at
Wally-World a winter or two ago.
It and the block heater are plugged into a very short
extension cord that gets plugged in at night.
The block heater gets the engine warm and the battery
charger warms the battery and gives it a bit of an
edge for starting.
The charger is very small and fits in the space
between the battery and the headlight.
--- Rolf Pechukas <rbp at 4u2bu.org> wrote:
> hey all
> so the alternator failure continues
> symptoms again:
> blinking red battery LED indicator - will come up as
> tach needle
> drops (even w/ engine revs up)
> occasionally tach will jump back up, but sporadic,
> inaccurate, jumpy
> battery LED blinking, glowing, fading, etc
> battery not getting charged, of course, and is now
> dead
> - I have checked electrical connections at the alt -
> they look solid
> and clean
> - belt is new and properly tightened
> - I have not checked connections at the battery or
> at the relay (?)
> panel
> - I am getting ticker-tape sounds from the relay
> panel when the tach
> drops and the red LED comes on - what is the circuit
> there? is it
> possibly a relay that is failing?? doesn't the alt
> feed directly to
> the battery?
> questions:
> short-term strategy - any recommendations?
> I need to keep my batt charged - it's cold cold here
> and need
> cranking power in the AM - I have AC power available
> portable battery charger?
> longer term - how do I know for sure if it's
> alternator?
> do I have any other choice but to replace ($200+)(!)
> and see?
> any way to trouble shoot what's going on at the
> relay box?
> thanks for any advice
> --
> Rolf in MA
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599
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