[Vwdiesel] blinking alternator light ??-GP Relay

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Mon Dec 11 17:20:09 EST 2006

David Cook wrote:
> --- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>  I've had the
>> horn relay cause the 
>> gp led to go on.  Odd stuff like that can happen but
>> it'd take a bad 
>> connection or short to cause it.
> Loren-
> Could you please give more details on this?  My GP
> relay flashes on and off sometimes, along with the
> relay clicking and powering the GPs while driving
> sometimes.  Very very fast clicking on and off, and I
> know the GPs are powering as I have a LED hooked up to
> that circuit right now.  When the relay goes crazy, I
> pull it out far enough that it isnt' making
> connection, but can easily push it back in for
> starting the next time.
> How on earth did you figure out it was the horn relay
> causing the problems?    
> Anyone know the label or part number off a fast glow
> relay?  I've got an aftermarket one in right now but
> have a replacement relay, just don't know if it is
> fast or slow.


Likely a flaky relay or bad temp sender input.  I have tested some of the non-Bosch relays and 
found they are very sensitive to temp sender inputs.  Give them a sender input out of the normal 
range and they do all sorts of strange things.  In my case the "T" contact in the relay socket was 
broken and not making solid contact (sender and wire were OK).  Fixed that and all the "bad" relays 
I had on hand were actually OK.


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