[Vwdiesel] Human fat into biodiesel

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Thu Dec 14 10:06:16 EST 2006

So, what would you suggest doing with this waste fat then William?
Currently, hospital waste disposal is a billion dollar industry.  Is it
better to use more fossil fuels to incinerate it as is currently done? 
It gets burned either way.

If this bugs you, you don't even want to know where the oils for 
cosmetics are sourced, or you'd never kiss shiny red lips again.

William J Toensing wrote:
> The article is disgusting. Not even the Nazi Germans stooped this
> low, as far as I know, into converting human fat into biodisel from
> their death camps, even though they were desperate for fuel at the
> end of the war. If my calculations are correct, 10,000 liters of
> biodiesel would translate into 2,642 U.S. gallons of biodiesel @
> 3.785 liters per U.S. gallon. 
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