[Vwdiesel] Human fat to biodiesel
82 Diesel Westy
dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 14 12:19:31 EST 2006
now, wouldn't all this just make too much sense and
cut out all the middle men the get rich off of the
disposal of this stuff in all those red bags. Nice
thick mil plastic that all get incenerated somewhere I
guess and add to our polution issues.
You would need to walk in the door with a turn-key
solution and you might be able to sell it.
Good thinking all.
--- Area31 Research Facility <stephensrw at stn.net>
> IMO, one does not need to look far to put that fuel
> to use. Large hospitals
> use a lot of electricity and if the electric bill
> could be reduced, that
> money could be made available for better medical
> machines, more beds, etc.
> Better patient care. Any large, properly equipped
> hospital is going to have
> a large diesel generator and backup generator on
> site. The
> transesterification process might be done on-site
> and the fuel derived used
> to power a generator to run the hospital, any extra
> power could be sold to
> the grid. Any bio hazzard concerns would be no
> greater overall than they
> already are with the presence of this raw fat at the
> hospital currently.
> Rob
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kurt Nolte" <syncronized_turbo at yahoo.co.uk>
> To: <vwdiesel at audifans.com>
> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 9:02 AM
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Human fat to biodiesel
> > Terry Briggs wrote:
> >> Never happen, human waste is classified as a bio
> hazard, infectious
> >> waste etc.
> >>
> > True, but... I believe the ruling is that
> incineration is an approved
> > method of disposing of human wastes, and the
> transesterification process
> > is a method of allowing safe handling of the
> substance until such a time
> > as it is incinerated.
> >
> > And even if it was only used in industrial
> applications, that would
> > still free up fuel sources (And alternative fuel
> sources) for automotive
> > consumption and utilize a presently wasted source
> of BTUs without
> > requiring every driver of a diesel to have a
> hazardous waste
> > certification. Deliver it in drums, handled only
> by HazMat certified
> > fuelling staff, that sort of thing. Power
> companies could now claim that
> > they are "Powered by Fat" :p
> >
> >
> > And for the person who has already invoked
> Godwin's Law with the Nazi
> > reference... I don't see how you're finding the
> comparison. I mean,
> > nobody in that article is talking about forcibly
> "harvesting" the fat
> > from people for fuel; it's merely utilization of a
> "waste" product that
> > is generated voluntarily by vain people anyway,
> and at present is
> > incinerated with no benefit from the release of
> thermal energy. Isn't
> > this "use all your resources and become energy
> independent as a nation"
> > kinda core to the biodiesel movement? Why would we
> waste what everyone
> > in the world has pretty much agreed we have an
> overabundance of (IE fat)?
> >
> >
> >
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> free your email address
> > from your Internet provider.
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