[Vwdiesel] Human fat to biodiesel

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Fri Dec 15 00:18:09 EST 2006

Terry Briggs wrote:
> True enough, the chemical treating of the waste would kill any and all 
> bugs, the problem lays with getting a hazardous materials permit to 
> handle the raw material prior to being treated, then there is the issue 
> of the hazmat endorsement for transport, storage prior to treating etc. 
> For the little guy like us, those permits would be a very limiting 
> factor, they are not cheap. I mean really, the dentist wouldn't even 
> let me keep the tooth he yanked out last month because they class it as 
> a bio hazard, even though it was mine to begin with.

Heck, I guess that will put the Tooth Fairy out of business then.  By the time he/she gets the 
haz-mat permits and what not, no more money will be left to put under the pillow :(


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