[Vwdiesel] Need Hydraulic Hose

mikitka mikitka at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 19 17:53:27 EST 2006

The local Car Quest parts store here in town makes hydraulic hose.  Might
want to check out and see if one in your area does the same.  You can try
this site. http://www.owensresearch.com/index1.htm


The power steering high pressure hydraulic hose from the PS pump to the 
steering rack failed on my 85 Jetta TD. I'm looking for a low cost 
replacement......fix/replace the failed section or find a good used hose.

The failure was a hole in the curved metal pipe where it enters the 
steering rack. The fitting at the pump and the hose itself are OK.

A new hose from VW parts is $200 plus tax.  VW part # 191-428-893

Seeking experience and advice/used part from listers, while exploring 
having the fitting replaced by a company makes hydraulic hoses locally. And 
calling around salvage yards.

Talk to me, guys.

Doyt Echelberger 

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