[Vwdiesel] Air in fuel lines

mikitka mikitka at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 20 05:05:57 EST 2006

That is what I did for my main feed line to the IP, I got some of the blue,
(any color works) Urethane line from the local motorcycle shop. Not to
expensive, I think around a $1 a foot. Works great, stays flexible and has
been on my 91 Jetta TD now for two years with no signs of degradeing.



Sorry, I don't have any issues like that.

To replace the fuel lines, I bought some clear line
from a store that specializes in things like ATVs and
Jet Skis.  They have fuel line that is colored, but


--- "S. Shourds" <sshourds at flash.net> wrote:

> I don't have any helpful hints for you, but I have
> been having a bit of 
> trouble with my TDI too and thought I'd check with
> your symtomology.  I 
> had a break in my clear line some time back and
> replaced it with an 
> opaque one so I can't see if there are any bubbles,
> but I've noticed 
> that mine will occasionally miss at idle and run
> fine at all other 
> rpms.  It's particularly bad when I throttle down. 
> The engine 
> seems...confused.  I'm thinking about tracking down
> another clear line 
> at the dealer to help diagnose, but I thought I'd
> see if you'd noticed 
> anything like that.  This is the car I hope to drive
> 2000 miles over 
> Christmas.  Driving in the winter, a long ways from
> anywhere, in a shaky 
> car is no fun. 
> -Shalyn

David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
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