[Vwdiesel] Air in fuel lines

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Dec 21 01:35:32 EST 2006

In a message dated 12/20/2006 7:41:31 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com writes:

> Again, if I was just going to replace the whole thing,
> what would potentially happen if I eleminated the
> check valves?  At that point, it would be set up
> essentially the same as my convertible's tank.  That
> car has no check valves and is fine.  Why does the
> Passat need them?

 Not sure it "needs" them but they're not a bad idea to keep 
fuel in the lines.  Did it have an accordian boot over part of 
the return line "stuff" when you pulled out the sending unit?  
That was what was slid up on Dad's.  With that up like it was 
fuel sure could suck up the intake and out the inlet if the 
check valves failed.  That might be the reason they're there. 
So that air can't suck back up the return and empty the pump 
out the inlet side.

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