[Vwdiesel] TDI stumbling

S. Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Thu Dec 21 05:06:57 EST 2006

I've checked a few things and have a few more to look at, but 
considering the road trip I have planned soon (Saturday), I thought I'd 
get the list's opinions.  '00 TDI.  It runs great going down the road, 
lots of power, etc.  But, when I throttle down, it will stumble or 
miss.  Listening to the rythm of the engine, it almost 
sounds...confused.  It will occasionally miss at idle, but it mainly 
occurs as it's dropping to idle, then it will smooth out after a few 
seconds.  VAG-COM has nothing to say about it.  I replaced a burned-out 
glow plug which didn't make any difference except to turn off the check 
engine light.  That's been on for so long that I almost think 
something's wrong when it _isn't_ lit up. 

Tomorrow, I'm going to pick up a replacement fuel line from the dealer 
or somewhere as the current one is opaque rubber instead of the stock 
clear line.  I've thought that maybe I'm getting some bubbles in from 
somewhere as I can't now see to check, though it seems like that would 
cause problems at full throttle and there's absolutely no problem 
starting it up.  The injectors are about 187,000 miles old, but I'd had 
one checked at 155,000 and it was fine.  It's been doing this for a 
while, and it _should_ be fine, but you know....

Any other places to check?



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