[Vwdiesel] Racewear studs

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Mon Dec 25 17:57:38 EST 2006

ARP makes a 12mm version. Much cheaper too, USD$124 at Summit Racing.

I don't have the part number here in front of me, its for a Cosworth
Ford. I have a set in my Passat TDI right now. They have a nifty hex
head to them that makes installation a snap.


Sandy Cameron wrote:
>> The VW diesel is really totally reliable except for the head gasket
>> problem. Personally on an engine I build for myself I pop for the close to
>> 200 bucks it takes to buy Raceware head studs (re-usable). 
> Canadian source for racewear studs?
> Sandy
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