[Vwdiesel] '84 Quantum TD no start :(
Will Taygan
william at taygan.com
Sun Dec 31 12:13:03 EST 2006
You may also have a leaking injection pump. Do you see/smell any diesel
on it? If so, you can cleanly and carefully remove the top banjo bolt
on the ip (the one with the return line coming out of it) and pour clean
diesel through a coffee filter to fill up the pump. If it's a turbo
it's easier to pull the return line and hook up a cheapo vacuum and pull
fuel through the ip until it's full.. (this technique also work on the
plain NA ones) Fred Meyer has the orange vacuum transfer pumps for about
10 bucks, but you may need a little hose adapter from the hardware or
autoparts store to hook it up to the return line (the big one).
On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 14:56 +0000, raymond greeley wrote:
> Hello david
> I remember the discussion regarding adding individual wires to each gp
> though don't recall the gauge
> wire used for this modification.
> ray
> >From: David Cook <vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com>
> >To: Audi-VW-Diesels at yahoogroups.com, diesel list <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> >Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] [Audi-VW-Diesels] '84 Quantum TD no start :(
> >Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 22:18:56 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >Andrew-
> >
> >You don't have to remove the IP to R&R the glow plugs.
> > It will make things much easier if you do remove the
> >injector lines though. Have a magnet ready when you
> >remove the bus bar for the GPs so you don't drop one
> >of the nuts.
> >
> >Also, it is suggested by some that you run an
> >individual wire to each GP so you can test them more
> >easily and individually in the future.
> >
> >David
> >
> >--- Andrew Buc <andrewbuc at staxman.net> wrote:
> >
> > > Just a progress report, although there's not a lot
> > > of progress to
> > > report. Battery is a group 41, 5 years old, but
> > > tested out fine.
> > >
> > > To answer a couple of folks' questions: It cranks
> > > w/o firing, and
> > > there's no white smoke from the exhaust, so I
> > > suspect no fuel. When I
> > > have daylight again tomorrow, I'll check out the
> > > fusible link, now
> > > that I have a pretty good idea of where it is. The
> > > PO gave me a
> > > spreadsheet of maintenance he'd done on the car, and
> > > apparently he
> > > replaced the glow plugs, but not the GPR, in the
> > > last year and a half.
> > >
> > > To get any farther, I'll need to get a continuity
> > > tester or
> > > voltmeter, and that could happen tomorrow.
> > >
> > > Looking under the hood also raises a question: To
> > > remove the glow
> > > plugs, would the IP have to come off? There sure
> > > isn't a lot of
> > > clearance in there! I'm tentatively betting that it
> > > isn't the glow
> > > plugs, but you never know. I'm not confident of my
> > > ability to R&R the
> > > IP, and if it comes to that, I'll most likely take
> > > the car to my
> > > regular garage. Thanks.
> > >
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