[Vwdiesel] cosmic interference
Justin and Chelly Bennett
cjb at midrivers.com
Sun Feb 19 15:25:19 EST 2006
I have heard of a similar thing. My Sister had a 93 Dodge Caravan that
would almost die in the same spot. The rig would act like it had run
out of fuel for a ways and then would accelerate again. Suspected that
there was a signal that was jamming the fuel control circuits. There is
a rail road signal shed next to that stretch of highway. Fords had a
problem with two way radios jamming their computers. The computer
didn't have a metal back, just exposed potting compound. Ham radio's
when used in them would impose a signal on the vehicle's tin. The fix
was to remove the computer and completely enclose it in metal to shield
it from stray signals.
>An event that has occured three times now: I'm
>leaving work in the 2000
>TDI and I get just about even with the central
>comtrol building and the
>gravity thickeners and the dashboard brake indicator
>and ABS lights come
>on. I push in the clutch and do a hot reboot and
>the problem goes away
>leaving only an error code about voltage
>irregularities in the ABS
>system. All three times it's happened when leaving
>work, about three
>minutes and maybe 2000 feet after starting it up.
>It also happens
>exactly in the same place between those buildings.
>Anyone heard of
>anything like that? We do have a Nextel
>re-transmitter in that
>building, I think, and I'm almost wondering if
>there's some kind of RFI
>or something. It could, of course, be just a
>voltage fluctuation in the
>ABS controller, but it's happened nowhere else but
>right there.
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