[Vwdiesel] Injector pump leak

hwy9fergs at comcast.net hwy9fergs at comcast.net
Wed Feb 22 00:40:29 EST 2006

Orig message

> Message: 1 
> Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 05:19:03 -0600 
> From: "Pam & Doug Boes" 
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] injector pump leaks 
> To: 
> Message-ID: <000001c6360f$769f7990$6501a8c0 at emachine> 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 
> How many places can the injector pump leak? I'm getting a wet garage floor 
> with a fuel leak from the front of the engine. I've replaced the return hose 
> and everything topside looks dry. I suspect the shaft seal. How difficult is 
> a shaft seal replacement with the pump still mounted to the engine. Any 
> other places to look for leaks? 
> ------------------------------ 
> Well, they can leak from just about any where.  Best to make sure where you leak is first. Don't assume it's the shaft seal.  Maake sure.  I had a leak on mine that destroyed a 35 dollar coolant line that I had just  installed about 8 months ago, because I let it go for a while.  Just a seep at first, but next thing I know, I'm losing coolant.  Not good. Rubber hose just turned to gum.  Anyway, cleaned it all up, ran it, and determined the leak was from the cold start lever. By the way, it wasn't very easy to see the leak, because it's underneath.   Two O rings. one for the shaft and one for the little housing.Piece of cake. Pump did have to come off though. Lots of time, less than a buck in parts.  (get the real thing from the injection place- has to be viton)  The bad news is once a pump gets to an age where one seal goes-------------well, the rest may not be far behind. Doug

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