[Vwdiesel] Candle for a Rabbit----? ( Bell Book and Candle )
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Sun Jan 1 23:11:36 EST 2006
So what is the effect of stearic acid on an injection pump and injectors?
Paraffin candles have stearic acid added to raise the melting point, so the
flame burns better, the wax melts slower and the melted wax pool doesn't
over flow. That's what makes drippless candles "dripless".
I can see adding straight pure paraffin wax in SUMMER ONLY. Fatty acids
however, may F up the injector tips prematurely, it would be like burning
(collector of a brain full of seemingly useless facts)
No David and ALL I did not shove the candle into the fuel tank --BUT on a
hot summers
day ? ---yes I would do just that.---pull the wick out first. (no need to
light it).
I use ParoWax by conros ---it used to say ESSO on the boxes--.Candles
? I insist
on PARAFFIN candles. ---NOT those other ones. I do dissolve first ---
and make a
concentrate. Then add according to outside temperature.--To make sure it
does not clog
screen in tank --- that works. for me.
PS : At a lot of stores ParoWax goes on sale after canning season is
with. --So I stock up then. ----Candles go on sale in January ? use a
scale to get
maximum Wax per dollar or Pound UK.
How many candles (butts) is put in the garbage in Seattle after Christmas
? ---I could
drive all the way to the east coast on nothing but them candles---on a HOT
day. ---Fuel is where you find it.
Paraffin wax lubricates your cylinders too --not to forget.
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