[Vwdiesel] Cold starting problems - 1.6TD
Svend M Kjong
svend at prcn.org
Tue Jan 10 16:11:34 EST 2006
----- Original Message -----
From: "Svend M Kjong" <svend at prcn.org>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:15 PM
Subject: Cold starting problems - 1.6TD
> Well, when the carbon dioxide has precipitated as snow, the oxygen rich
> atmosphere actually makes starting easier.
> Where did you think the fizz in soda pop originally came from? CO2 snow!
> You should see the booster cables we have to use..... those aren't welders
> in the back of the trucks you see in the north, those are for boosting cars
> in winter.
> -James
> " Bunny Bondo" will start at 100 below - minus 100 F ? (minus 73 C) --absolutely
> .---Does Hillbilly Tuning work ? -----no I am not going to say Hillbilly Starting. --I
> going to say really good teachers and EXPERIENCE..--gets her going.
> Like James Hansen said --the liquid smoke in the Starting Relay "Glowplug" has to be
> changed for extreme conditions. --Use a syringe to suck out the cheap VW supplied
> junk --and refill with the best you can get.---What is Bunny Bondo using ? glad you
> asked. -----In 1945 Greenland was a colony of Danmark --A Dane by the name Peter
> had been exploring the mess of ice cubes. for many years.. ( I fell in love with his
> daughter in 1945.) Long Coal black Hair and Green velvet skating dress and white
> skating Boots ---she was Beautiful---half paleface Viking half Innuit . Super mix of
> genes.
> Peter when he was there kept a journal --and one winter in an igloo about 100 miles
> of Thule he was visiting a relative of his wife.---his wife's grandfather told Peter
> there was a reason Muskoxen never freeze to death --and Penguins can walk barefoot for
> hundreds of miles in 100 below C.---148 below F.------ a strange liquid smoke was the
> reason. Peter asked if he could have a small sample to take back to Danmark. ---strange
> part was that it glowed in the dark. Peter got a small sample and forgot about it.
> When he unpacked his bags back in Danmark ---the bloody thing was still glowing. ---He
> just heard about A-bombs --so he was worried. He phoned Niels Bohr and asked him if
> would analyze the stuff.
> It was a small bicycle ride from Peters house on Amager to the Bohr Institute so he told
> his daughter to take the sample to Niels.
> Niels Bohr put his best helpers on the stuff--BUT the were stymied --they said it was
> not any known substance --and that it was radio active.----Niels phoned
Oppenheimer --But
> he was no help.
> The Institute worked on the stuff all through 1946 ---- they cooled it to 10 Kelvin
> it was still liquid.
> It was a NEW element.---so it was named Freuconium ----So how did I get hold of the
> stuff ? ---Peter left a sample in his Will for the daughter ---she still likes me ----I
> am still in love with her.----She told me to return it after my experiments are finished
> with. ----BUT now that Greenland in an integral part of the realm "The Kingdom of
> Danmark" ---I can go and see her family any time. Funny thing was that when I was in the
> arctic --I spend some time with distant relatives of hers --I never knew at the time .
> Half life my butt --this stuff is getting more radio active as time goes---it is
> downstairs inside a 20 kg block of lead.---Old batteries melted down. --I am now
> about Radon gas.
> I visited Peter Freukens house on Amager in 1949 --and for a guy who won the 64 000
> dollar question in the Big Apple entire state --IT sure was a MODEST little house.
> Freuconium is all there is to it ? ---NO NO next comes my connection to Rudof
> Diesel ----Thank you Lord --Thank you at least I am not related to Hitler in any
> way---horrible thought if I was a grandson ?.
> He claimed we were related ---shit --I am a perfect Aryan. -- on a branch of the
> Tree? -shit..
> The real name for Thule land ? --- is Kalaallit Nunaat. ---And them Eskimoes are no
> skimoes than Mohawks are INDIANS..------stupid.
> Peter died in 1957. RIP Peter.
> Svend.
> PS : them cables that I saw were superflex welding cables ---good for 400 Amps all day.
> I have great big reels of the stuff. --and Bunny Bondos booster ? a REAL 600 volt 3
> h --Lincoln Shipyard type rotary Welder.----What Planet ? --this gorgeous green marble
> floating in space---lets keep it green .--Support your Canola Farmers --- Rimini is now
> 8 dollars for 4 litres..
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