[Vwdiesel] Biodiesel from algae

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Fri Jan 13 00:08:00 EST 2006

I remember reading about that as an automotive development in Popular
Mechanics in 1985 or right thereabouts.  I remember them talking about
fitting them
to city busses.  Squashed?  Where's the money in it?  You only sell the
flywheel once, but you can keep selling batteries.


I read the same article Andrew.
Shortly after the flywheel running in vacuum article, Ballard Fuel cells
were in Pop Sci and going to be installed in busses.... and touted as being
the next greatest and latest with clean hydrogen wonder fuel blah blah...  I
wonder if that stole enough thunder to hamper the development?  Yeah, you
only sell a flywheel once...

I agree with Pat, the excessive complexity of the hybrid drivetrain lends
itself not well to where we live.  Urban where it's warm, yeah, maybe, but
here on the prairies, the anemic gas engine runs on the hybrids continuously
because it's all highway miles getting across the comparatively large
distances. The mileage really sucks on them when the engine has to run

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