[Vwdiesel] Biodiesel from algae

Libbybapa at wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Fri Jan 13 10:39:24 EST 2006

In a message dated 1/13/06 8:26:32 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
jhsg at sasktel.net writes:

> This was exactly the point I was trying to get across at the store... but I
> had to use numbers, and I have to say that unfortunately, Stephen Hawking
> was right.  One of his books  _A Brief History of Time_  he mentions that
> for each mathematical formula in a book, the readership will drop in half,
> and he quotes a source for this with his tongue in cheek, and is thankful
> that there are only three formulas in the entire book.  Yesterday was a case
> of that, as soon as numbers were mentioned, eyes glazed. 

Unfortunately, behind those glazed eyes, those sheep were thinking, "This 
guy's not a very good person.  I wonder what his problem is.  He just wants to 
depress people and make them feeeel bad."

The educated consumer is the only motivating force for reducing waste.  There 
is no benefit to the economy or idividual businesses when the wasteful 
consumer mends their ways.  It is also remarkably easy, apparently, to misinform or 
outright delude the public into feeling good about their poor decisions.  It's 
only a troublemaker who points out the error in their thinking.


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