[Vwdiesel] Svend leaving?

Libbybapa at wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Sat Jan 14 16:01:35 EST 2006

In a message dated 1/14/06 12:52:58 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
hwy9fergs at comcast.net writes:

> What say the list???????????????
> Leave or stay?????????????
> Everybody pipe up----or not. 

I would vote for a third option.  Staying, but without the ability to open 
topics, and that commentary regarding existing topics started by others should 
be directly applicable to that topic.  In other words, the stories should be 
linked back directly to the topic at hand.  The key word would be "directly".  
Not loosely, as in a story about  the woman that he met whose husband worked on 
Caterpillars.  No more pep talks to the newbies.  No more self-proclaimed 
wizard or diesel expert.  No more repetious posts.  No more appologetics.  I 
think there is some value to Hagar/Svends posts, but truly 90+% of even what Svend 
has posted since Loren's departure has been repetitious reposts of old posts. 
 There may be gems in the chaff, but that's a lot of chaff to sift through.  
The posts prior to Loren leaving were worse for sure.  I would also vote that 
if Svend is allowed or encouraged by the majority of the list, then those in 
minority direct anti-Svend commentary to Dan Simoes or Svend himself rather 
than the list in general.  This is all very depressing.  I have several times 
sent myself the unsubscribe e-mail, but haven't yet sent it back to formalize my 
unsubscription.  Me an OPTIMIST- bet your sweet @$$


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