[Vwdiesel] Be very very careful

hwy9fergs at comcast.net hwy9fergs at comcast.net
Sat Jan 14 19:23:20 EST 2006

Be careful Mark, this isn't a "poetry" forum.  You may be in mortal danger of incurring the wrath of the minority!!

Mark wrote::
Careful Don or you may get stabbed in the back by:
>There was an old moaner called Misery Lee
>Whose trick was to spit venom at Svend and at me.
>Unable to post much con-struct-ive-ly
>Instead chose to stab most de-struct-ive-ly
>In the backs of those who have much more to say;
>But unfortunately (for them) do it in an unusual way...
>Mortally wounded Svend will probably go
>He will not be forgotten that much I know...
>There are others that agree with me too
>And don't subscribe to the minority view
>Of the few who want to moderate this site
>And decide what is OT and what is all right
>I for one think it makes for hard learning
>When talking 'straight' diesel, cetane and burning
>It needs some OT to give it more 'zing'
>Engine repair can be a troublesome thing
>So Svend please don't go and abandon this forum
>But in fairness to all, abide by its Quorum:
>And limit the off topic to smaller bite sizes
>They're easier to swallow when not elephantiasis
>I now rest my case
>At this tumultuous place

I LOVE IT          What a hoot!!!!   Doug

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