[Vwdiesel] Svend leaving?

jon jon at kenneke.com
Sun Jan 15 01:19:53 EST 2006


Well put. I am not a youngster, and not an oldster (yet) either.

I love the stories! Keep it up.



On Sat, 14 Jan 2006, Sandy Cameron wrote:

> At 07:52 PM 14/01/2006 +0000, you wrote:
> >What say the list???????????????
> >
> Well, OK.
> I was not going to say anything, but being an old fart too, with some
> strange proclivities not understood by youth (a days pay for a day's work, a
> job done should be done well, if you dont work, go hungry for a while, work
> doesn't come to you, you have to seek it out,etc.etc.)
> I am tempted at time to make editorial comments.
> However, nothing on this forum has ever insulted me (leather skin) and if
> the contents of a post are vague, psychotic, or disconnected, the delete
> button is just up there to the right.
> I share a lot of Svend's views from the other end of life's telescope, (he's
> only got 2 years on me) but I think I have learned the old fart's final
> lesson, few give a damn about what life was like when I was a kid, and so I
> should not ramble.
>  When Svend was ducking straffing messerschmits, I was attending a one room,
> 8 grade country school with one teacher, and going home to feed the chickens
> and gather the eggs.
> (a mile, walking, through 6 feet of snow, uphill both ways)
> Life's been good to both of us, and if old farts blather on about their
> youthful adventures,
> (I just hope you all have some, adventures, that is.)
> *tolerate* it.
> I would give my right arm to be flying over the gold coast on Fergies
> aviated lawn chair.
> Ferg, send a reduced (less than 1 mb) copy of that Santa cruz pic to Svend,
> he was/is a benson gyro flyer.
> You will all end up there,,(rocking on the porch and blathering),,if you
> live long enough..!!
> Sandy
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