[Vwdiesel] Re: The demise of the brush

Justin and Chelly Bennett cjb at midrivers.com
Sun Jan 15 15:52:34 EST 2006

So Val.  When are you going to start it up.


>Just like the glass 1qt oil container, with the tin spout, it's 
>getting harder to find brushes.  The local parts places, which used to
>have a modest selection, now have virutally no brushes in stock.
>This makes starter or altenator partial rebuilds virtually impossible.
>Not only that, but electric tools [acknowledgement of loose VWdiesel
>coupling] are getting harder and harder to service.  Last I tried,
>DeWalt wouldn't sell me brushes, saying that they were not a consumer
>replacable item.  The local outlet would replace them for me, but it 
>would cost about $60.
>My primary source for brushes is altenator and starter rebuild houses, 
>and there are two OK ones in the area.  One run by a young guy in a 
>tough part of the city is priced very reasonable.  About $1/brush.
>The other surburban one, sees allot of automotive work, and has a
>4 bay shop.  Different kind of operation.  They like $5 to $10/brush,
>probably figuring that they have you over the barrell.
>There's an opportunity for "Brushes by Mail", a new internet site.
>One can browse through brush selections, and sort by brush type, 
>dimension, leads, material, and yes, even application.  Brushes at
>$0.50 to $5.00 each, and a $3.00/order shipping charge.
>My "friends" say that I dream too much.

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