[Vwdiesel] new N/A Injection pump question

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Thu Jan 19 17:03:26 EST 2006

I can't remember the exact name of the solenoid (idle load speed increaser
or something), but it is for speeding up the idle when the a/c clutch is on,
or other higher demand loads may be on.  Think of it as a high idle switch.

The solenoid on a solex 28pict carb was the idle jet on/off, to prevent
"dieseling" of all things on shut down. :-)

Lack of a pump advance lever.  Thats the second one in as many weeks.
You are certain you have a pump for a  car, not a constant speed governor
equipped pump from a stationary application?  what parts counter did it
originate from?
The advance could be internal on newer stuff, but I'm guessing. My 97 1.9td
still has an advance lever.  Is there a biggish wiring harness coming from a
square block on the vehicle front side of the pump? If so send a pic if you

-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]On
Behalf Of S Boser
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 1:08 AM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] new N/A Injection pump question

I was wondering if anyone has recently purchased a new bosch injection pump?
I bought a 1981 Rabbit from a friend last week, the old pump starts to spray
fuel from the front injection pump seal above 3000 rpm.
I purchased a new pump locally and haven't yet decided if I want to replace
the seal on the old one or just install the new pump.
The new one is interesting as it has no cold start valve. It also has a
funky piece on the side facing the radiator. There is a terminal for
connection to 12volts. looks like a valve. (I'm thinking maybe its function
is like the old solex pict28 carb electric choke) Otherwise I'm Not sure
what its purpose is or how I need to hook it up. Anyone familar with this?
The guy at the parts counter says this is the replacement for N/A diesel

Thanks Steve
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