[Vwdiesel] Back with a new project

bart Wineland bwinelan at allegheny.edu
Thu Jul 6 15:41:22 EDT 2006


I've been off the list for quite awhile, but have been watching the 
archives. I parted company with my '89 1.6 na Jetta a year or so ago 
after the second engine I put in went south. I've had a '86 TD that 
was my friend's sons car. He bought it a few years ago and his son 
rolled it 2 days after they got it. They found another '86 TD that 
was minus the drivetrain so he bought it with plans of moving the 
good engine over etc. After sitting for a couple years he decided he 
would never get to it. I bought the pile from him and it has sat in 
my yard for over a year until I finally had a day over the long Forth 
of July weekend.  I installed the engine in the "new" car. The engine 
ran well when in the wrecked car. I put all new belts on it including 
the timing set with tensioner and a new freeze plug heater before 
installing, changed the oil and filter but that is all I have done to 
it . The engine started right up on fresh fuel when I got it in. I 
was happy to hear it running. It smokes a good bit but I am hoping 
after she runs more the smoking will fade??  Anyhow the wiring on the 
donor car was really chopped up so I am having trouble figuring out 
how to get the temp. and o.p. gauges working. If anyone can tell me 
the proper wire colors to the 2 o.p. senders and to the 2 water temp. 
senders it would really help.  I did search the archives and found a 
post from Sandy where the oil light and buzzer will come on above 2k 
rpm (nice having a tach) if the sender is bad or disconnected. I am 
having that issue so hoping it is because I have the wrong wire 
connected somewhere. The car does have a/c. Any pointers on wires 
would be much appreciated. My Bentley only goes to '84.



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