[Vwdiesel] VW Lupo
Terry Briggs
vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Fri Jul 7 23:49:08 EDT 2006
Actually, you hit the nail on the head, but not quite directly. Gm and
Ford, as well as chrysler would go bankrupt if they allowed another
high mileage car to be imported. I mean really, whats the highest
mileage AMERICAN car that wasn't actually an import......The geo was a
suzuki I believe, the cavelier, now thats an interesting piece of
modern art, but for sake of mileage it gets what.... 30, 35 mpg on a
good day. I'm not sure, but I think the ford focus gets 40, but I think
thats a foregien made car also. So VW imports the Polo diesel, the big
three see their collective sales bottom out, why, because lets face it,
the big three makes crap cars, if they made a good car that got great
mileage, we all would line up to buy it. BUT they don't make a good,
reliable high mileage car, so we go with good old German engineering
and get our little diesels with 200k plus miles on them that still get
45 + mpg and stick it to the man. I'll never buy another Ford, Chevy,
Dodge car again { I will have my jeeps, I can't afford a land rover}
On Jul 7, 2006, at 4:58 AM, William J Toensing wrote:
> I would be very much in the market for a VW Lupo TDI if VW has enough
> brains to import it to the USA. However, I fear it may not come here
> for reasons 1& 3. If they decide to bring it in, they will have a
> situation worse than they had in the later 1950s when you had to wait
> over a year to get a new VW. My first new car was a 1957 VW Bug. The
> price was $1575 plus $25 for WSW tires. For $100 extra you could get
> one with a cloth sun roof, as I recall. I bought the non-sunroof model
> for $1,600 & had to wait 6 months for delivery. I was on active duty
> in the Navy & stationed at NAS Norfolk, VA & the VW dealer was on
> Granby St in Norfolk. I have only seen pictures of the Polo & it
> appears to be about the size of a Geo (Suzuki) Metro 3 cylinder
> hatchback. Please correct me if I am wrong.
> I fear there may be another reason. U.S. government retaliation for
> bringing in a high MPG diesel that is too popular. Big Oil will fight
> it tooth & nails, & we have the best government money can buy. I saw
> on TV recently, Daimler Chrysler finally plans to bring the Smart car
> in but only in the gas version that can only get up around 40 MPG. I
> don't think it will sell well unless they bring in the 70 MPG diesel
> version. We were supposed to get by EPA mandate nationwide, low sulfur
> close to Euro spec diesel so European diesels could be sold here &
> meet our smog regulations. Then I heard not till Sept.2006. Whether
> Big Oil will again get our government to renege on this mandate
> remains to be seen.
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