[Vwdiesel] Diesel ads

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Jul 11 01:11:50 EDT 2006

  Bit of a variety but the Volvo is the closest thing to a VW other than 
a couple of mid $teens priced TDI's.  

1984 MITSUBISHI TURBO Diesel truck. Needs head gasket. Call 425-339-9364 
leave message*   

1986 VOLVO DIESEL sedan, 118K miles. Runs, needs some work. $750 OBO. Albert, 
360-794-0281, Monroe    

1988 MINI SCHOOL Bus, Bluebird, 6.2 diesel w/12k miles, new tires & brakes, 
transmission rebuilt with wheel chair lift $4000 360-675-1256     

1984 GMC CAMPER van, diesel, $2,843 OBO. 425-760-1420*  

1989 1/2 TON GMC 1500 Sierra, 6.2 liter diesel, rebuilt transmission, good 
straight body, mechanically sound, good tires, $2,000 OBO. (509)337-6268.

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