[Vwdiesel] crank bolt

Jack Carr jcarr222 at comcast.net
Sat Jul 15 07:56:24 EDT 2006

For $20.00 you can get new head bolts from the Parts Place.  They are  
the stretch bolts.  Torque to specs, then turn a 1/2 turn more.  I  
have had to replace more  that one head gasket because someone used  
the old bolts.

On Jul 14, 2006, at 9:44 PM, mikitka wrote:

> I'm not sure about an 85 model but my 91 jetta TD didn't require  
> the bolt to
> be replaced. Just follow the instruction in the Bentley and you  
> will be
> fine. You do have a Bentley right? If not someone on here might  
> have one. I
> think mine starts at 86 on up. I don't have it with me right now to  
> look.
> Nick

Jack Carr
jcarr222 at comcast.net

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