[Vwdiesel] Mustang Diesel

Kurt Nolte syncronized_turbo at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jul 25 15:34:03 EDT 2006

Well, looks like someone beat us all to it.

Saw a guy passing through (NC plates, I think) who had a sweet GT500 
that was very distinctly diesel. I wandered over to see what he had 
under there; he was quite willing to pop the hood and let me have a 
look. Nice guy, probably in his forties or fifties, and we talked for a 

Turns out, not only is it a diesel under the hood (2.5TDI imported as 
"parts" from Europe) but also he scored their new AWD drivetrain and put 
that in there too. He said it took a /lot/ of custom work, including 
driveshafts, but that it's been worth every penny of it.

Sweet, sweet ride.


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