[Vwdiesel] A/C compressors... the result

The President quantum-man at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Jul 31 20:43:48 EDT 2006

Hi Bob
The compressor is a Borg (York) In fact it looks like a Startrek Borg cube!. 
I'm sure there hasbeen some conversation on these pumps. Not sure if it was 
complementry; but Yorks look well made and have a history from what I've 
read since yesterday! I have one picture of a LHD Quantum with a/c and the 
lines seem to disappear under the battery area. Over here that area is where 
the servo/booster is so I'm wondering if there are different setups for 
LHD/RHD. Now I'm wondering where the alternator is going ifthe compressor 
lives down by thefront engine mounting. I do have an alternator bracket from 
a1.6 gasser... but then will the IP be in the way...

Is Sanden only for transverse engines?

>From: Bob Soukup <bobs at chemdec.natsci.csulb.edu>
>To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] A/C compressors... the result
>Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 08:32:16 -0700
>In U.S. (left side drive) models the AC lines should pass through the
>bulkhead into the passenger compartment somewhere behind the glove box.
>Be sure you install a new filter/dryer.  Since the parts you are getting
>are from a model that originally used R12 refrigerant you'll have to be
>sure the plumbing system is absolutely clean and dry with little or no
>residue of the old mineral oil based lubricant in the system.
>The compressor should have an oil fill/drain plug.  Drain as much of the
>old oil as you can then refill with the proper oil for R134.  If the
>compressor is a Sanden, you can get all the info as to how much oil at
>the Sanden web site.  Also use new "O" ring seals (green) at all the
>connections, it'll save you a lot of grief later.
>I have been through this with my RabbitTruck.  I installed a new
>compressor, filter/drier and hoses before I was satisfied with the result.
>Bob Soukup
>'81 RabbitTruck
>quantum-man wrote:
> > I've just won on ebay a (nearly) complete a/c setup for my Quantum. My
> > latest 'Q' was hit by a truck and their insurance has agreed a $370 
> > Panel repairabl in my opinion. Car only cost$50; hence I'm stuffing the
> > money back in.
> >
> > eBay #  290009682569 $213 +P&P
> > Just lacks the 5 way switch and the heater sliders. Being an '85 it 
> > have those silly push buttons.So I think the non a/c sliders should 
> > The seller seems to think it should all fit with a little cutting into a 
> > a/c.setup!
> >
> > Gary, where does the a/c lines enter the bulkhead? Anyone have a 
>picture? I
> > see no spare rubber grommets.
> >
> > All I need now is a cruise control setup and I'll be happy :oD
> >
> > Mark
>Vwdiesel mailing list
>Vwdiesel at vwfans.com

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