[Vwdiesel] Synthetic Oil
William J Toensing
toensing at theunion.net
Sat Jun 3 00:59:09 EDT 2006
I am a great fan of synthetic oil. I signed up as an Amsoil dealer back in 1974 at the Minn. State Fair but primarily use it for my own use. I use it in all my cars except my 1941 Ford as it leaks too much. Synthetic oil is like antifreeze compared to water in finding leaks. Amsoil has such a variety of synthetic motor oils that although anyone would work better, I would suggest you use either their full synthetic diesel 15W 40 or their 20W 50 "Series 2000" racing oil. If you want to do the research, go to www.amsoil.com . If you don't have a local Amsoil dealer handy you can shop on line & use my dealer or order number which is ZO#2185 & I will get credit for the sale. One thing about Amsoil & probably other synthetics is that they won't thicken like petroleum oils at -20 or -40 below. Amsoil recommends you change the oil filter, if you use an Amsoil oil filter every 12,500 miles & the oil every year or 25,000 miles. However I have several collector cars & do not change every year. In fact, on my 3 Citroens, the oil has been in the cars about 15 years. If you have an Amsoil air filter & oil filter, they filter well enough so you don't have to worry about dirt in the oil. The other thing that can do your engine in is excessive acid build up from depleation of the oil's additive package. Several years ago, I bought an oil analyser which measurers the acid build up. When I see the meter show significant acid build up, I change the oil even though it still says the oil is still good for further use to be on the safe side. When I had my 1985 Mazda 626 diesel I changed my Amsoil oil & filters every 7,500 miles but that was before I bought my oil alalyser. I would recommend you go by Amsoil's recommendations to be on the safe side & not by my experience. I lost one engine in my 1972 Citroen (which I still own)& another in my 1985 Mazda thanks to Amsoil. Reason: faulty advice in my Citroen from the Citroen factory rep who said don't worry about overheating in hot weather (cause falty water pump) & with the Mazda, a faulty water temperature gage which didn't show overheating. In both cases, the engines kept running until the engines became so hot the valve springs lost their temper. With ordinary oil, the engines would seized before they got that hot. You may or may not see an MPG increase when you use synthetic oil. Depends on the car & driver. As I see it, the main advantage of Amsoil & other synthetics is extended drain intervals, no sludge build up, & greatly extended engine & trans-axel life as Amsoil also makes manual & automatic transmission oils. The synthetic manual gear lube is also good for rear ends. Amsoil has been developing synthetic lubericants since 1972, longer than any competitor I know of. Although I have not used it, I have heard that Redline is up to Amsoil quality-they will probably say higher quality, but I understands costs $1 to $2 a quart higher. The others I have heard are of either of unknown or of lesser quality than Amsoil. Some may be para synthetics- a blend of synthetic & ordinary oil.
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