[Vwdiesel] 2003 Jetta R134 Low Side

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Mon Jun 19 09:42:35 EDT 2006

not sure, I thought they made an adapter to use that "134'  from the 
parts store that you screw on. I'm lucky, I still have a good supply of 
R 12 at work for my 86 golf.
On Jun 17, 2006, at 10:17 PM, Val Christian wrote:

> Gang,
> I have a 03 Jetta TDI, which is getting anemic in the
> air conditioning department.  I attempted to connect my
> 134 manifold set to the car today, with no luck.  The high
> side works fine, but the low side won't stay on.  The VW
> adapter nipple appears to have a hex machining to it,
> which allows the SS balls in the quick disconnect to
> pop off.
> I give up, does VW have different low side adapters to force
> one to buy a VW tool to service the AC.
> Has anyone else encountered this?
> Thanks.
> Val
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