[Vwdiesel] searching the archives/ head removal ?

Chris Jude vegbenz300 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 19 19:16:29 EDT 2006

hmmm,  i've got a question about removing the head on a 1980 audi 5000S, and
i was trying to figure out how to search the archives.

but... while i've got your attention:
i noticed some oil (not a lot) leaking from the head gasket just under the
3rd cylinder on this car.  started thinking about having to pull the head,
something i have yet to do on any car.  I do have a friend with some
experience who may be willing to help, for the right amount of beer.  I'm
wondering the scope of this project, and what else i should or may want to
do to the car while the head is off.
the car runs well, but there is an everpresent acrid burning smell while
it's running.  i think the fuel economy is a little low, but it's hard to
tell as the odometer's not functioning.  we've been running b99 since we
bought the car 4 months ago. (no fuel filter change yet!)

snoqualmie, wa

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