[Vwdiesel] turbo on NA engine

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Jun 22 11:27:35 EDT 2006

In a message dated 6/22/2006 8:25:27 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
hwy9fergs at comcast.net writes:

> Because the castings were the same it's also feasable (if not economical)to 
> convert one of the later NA blocks by having the holes machined down into 
> the oil gallery to accept the squirters. Add the larger oil pump ,squirters and 
> turbo pistons. It's extreme but could be done. 

   I've yet to find one that has the necessary metal in the right places 
in order to put squirters in them.  Not to say that could've changed 
in later blocks than I've been into.  There IS a way to oil cool the 
pistons though without doing correct squirters and piston reliefs.  :-)

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