[Vwdiesel] Head gaskets

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Fri Jun 23 23:27:03 EDT 2006

I may be wrong, but I did read something to the effect that the heads 
have to be heated until they are "Plastic" I guess to allow them to 
"press" the head to "flatten" it, so as to maintain the cam journals in 
alignment. Then doing the grind job, has anyone else heard that. I may 
have been mistaken in what I read, it was awhile ago, and  can't find 
that article again.
On Jun 23, 2006, at 10:47 PM, LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 6/23/2006 7:01:57 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> mikitka at earthlink.net writes:
>> On this subject of resurfacing a head due to being warped. I 
>> understand you
>> want a flat surface. But looking at it realistically, just the 
>> surface of
>> the head doesn't warp. The entire head warps. Thus there goes the true
>> alignment of the cam in the head saddles.
>   BTDT and for my experience it just ain't so.  :-)
>   Had a head that the shop said was warped .024 and they woudn't do it.
> I didn't believe it so I put it on a surface plate with a digital 
> height
> gauge.
> Worst I could find was .017 on one corner, .012 or so for the most of 
> it.
> From edge of combustion ring on #1 to far edge of #2 it was less than
> .004 inches!  The head wasn't really all that warped but had "grown"
> in a mushroom fashion.  Most all of the worst was outside of the water
> jacket.  I flipped it and checked bearing saddles.  As I recall they 
> were
> all +.0005.  Quite acceptable for a "too warped to surface or it'll 
> break
> the cam if you do" head.  :-)
>      Loren
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Custom Design and Fabrication
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Vbriggs at stny.rr.com

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