[Vwdiesel] turbo on NA engine

Area31 Research Facility stephensrw at stn.net
Fri Jun 23 13:51:33 EDT 2006

Indeed.  Too bad they aren't tuned to 1800 RPM.  I was considering extending
the intake runners on my 1980, 1.5 NA that is on my DIY generating plant to
boost the efficiency a bit.  The torque starts dropping below 2500 RPM in a
stock engine.  At 1800 I can get 10 electrical kW out of the set, so that
means I'm making about 20 mechanical horsepower there.
Mind you, the way my governor is attached, it can only open the FI Pump
throttle about 2/3rds of the way to the high speed stop that was left set as
it came from the car, so I'm not abusing the engine at all.  Fuel economy is
very good. ~2L/hr at 6 kW electrical output.


----- Original Message -----
From: "James Hansen" <jhsg at sasktel.net>
To: "DIESEL" <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 3:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] turbo on NA engine

> > For now, I'll stick with a larger exhaust,
> > more effiecient air intake system, you must admit, the stock air intake
> > on an na diesel is very poor at best, I almost laugh when I think about
> > it.
> Waitaminit.
> Those are tuned runners my good fellow, and are a damn-site more
> efficient at pressuring the charge into the cylinders by piling up the
> air in front of the valve to increase volumetric efficiency than you
> give credit for.
> Remember who designed and built these engines. Obsessively compulsive
> detail freaks that are German engineers.  There is a reason for having
> it a certain way, or it ain't there.
> -James
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