[Vwdiesel] per mile costs

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Mar 2 23:43:32 EST 2006

Speaking of fuel taxes...

A while ago, it was bantered about doing away with per gallon taxes and 
shifting to a per mile tax system. Not that it solves our discriminatory 
tax disadvantage compared to gassers.

It raised its ugly head then seemed to fade away. I haven't heard 
anything lately about it.

Another angle to this... If I were to buy fuel in bulk at an untaxed 
rate, then paid a tax rate equal to the gassers, would any fed be anal 
enough to notice or care? I mean, I'm pulled over, my fuel is check as 
indeed dyed, I show my tax voucher showing I paid road taxes for it, 
would the federales notice?


David Cook wrote:
> I think the easiest solution would be some sort of tax
> deduction/reduction on the property tax of the diesel
> vehicle as compared to the comparable gas vehicle.  
> Some cars get tax benefits when purchased new to the
> original purchaser but a used car purchaser of the
> same car a year or two later get nothing.  Since I
> will never purchase a new car (until I'm a
> multi-millionaire and can afford to take the
> depreciation hit without noticing--how do you think I
> plan to *be* a multimillionaire?) I won't ever see
> that benefit.
> Another option could be that when you do something
> like renew your yearly tags, you can register the
> mileage and take some sort of discount for how many
> miles you drove that year.
> Hmmm...
> David
> --- Scott Kair <scott3491 at insightbb.com> wrote:
>>     Good point, and one worth pursuing.  The catch
>> is how to implement
>> exempting or reducing automotive Diesel fuel from
>> truck tax rates without
>> adding a perceived undue burden to other interested
>> parties. While doing it
>> at the pump, perhaps accompanied by dyeing it, would
>> seem immediately
>> obvious, smaller commercial vehicles also fill up at
>> our automotive pumps.
>> This would set the larger fleet consumers to
>> howling. Requiring separate
>> pumps for commercial and non-commercial vehicles
>> would certainly be opposed
>> by the petroleum marketing lobby. 
>>     The question, I guess, is how to present a case
>> for relief that doesn't
>> add burden to other interested parties.
> David Cook
> Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
> Red '90 g60 Corrado 
> Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
> and others in various states of disrepair
> Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599
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