[Vwdiesel] Strange "power surge"

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sat Mar 4 20:55:07 EST 2006

At low (just above idle) to medium low throttle, there is a power surge.
Then, when above that, everything returns to normal. It doesn't really
cause any problems, it's just not right. It's almost like the oppostite of
a slipping clutch, if you know what I mean.

  Check all four IP mounting bolts and if those are tight make sure the 4 
front and 2 side bolts for the bracket are tight.  It REALLY sounds like a loose 
pump.  I've seen it a couple times and it's happened to a couple more on the 
list, same symptoms;  surging at a light load/cruise, 25 to 35mph.

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