[Vwdiesel] oil around injectors/smoke problem

The President quantum-man at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Mar 13 16:30:40 EST 2006

To check for valve cover pressure; use a piece of paper and place it over 
filler cap hole (whilst holding one end) Increase revs and see if it dies 
away.Often wat feels like severe blowby is simply the air passing to and fro 
from piston churning. Using the same piece of paper hold it over exhaust so 
that you can peruse the crud coming out at your leisure.

>From: david hardy <david at planetmind.net>
>To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] oil around injectors/smoke problem
>Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 10:24:41 -0700
>Thanks, Loren, Chuck for your comments...
> >
> >   Take a sniff of your smoke.  If it smells diesel-like then it's 
> > the
> > original injectors and a new set of injectors will probably make a HUGE
> > difference.
> >   If it smells like burned oil then either a ring broke or broke loose, 
>or it
> >
> > has gasser oil in it and a ring or two has stuck.
>smells kinda like unburnt diesel, hard to tell, but it's not black smoke. 
>Interesting thing is
>that it only lost about 1/2 qt oil in the 2000 mile drive accross, and most 
>of that had to be
>leaked (from back of the valve cover, I think).
> >
> > Have you looked at your air filter box for oil?  It will have some oil
> > normally.  If it is puking with oil, your rings are likely shot.  A
> > valve splash guard under the valve cover will help.
>It doesn't have much oil at all, thankfully. There is a fair bit of 
>pressure under the valve
>cover - when I take the oil cap off is blows pretty good.
> >
> > I get my parts from StopShopandDrive.com good parts cheap.  Nozzles are
> > less than $10 a piece.  Over $50 and shipping is free!
>thanks for the tip, I'll check them out.
>BTW, any tips on getting a stuck heat shield out?
>Also, I couldn't get my #2 injector out with all me might on a 18'' breaker 
>bar, and didn't want
>to force it. Is it OK to just use more leverage and muscle, or are there 
>  ><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>
>   David Hardy
>   Planetmind Internetworks
>   Nedernet, Inc
>   ph 303.258.1103
>   http://www.planetmind.net
>   http://www.nedernet.net
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>Vwdiesel at vwfans.com

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