[Vwdiesel] running out of oil

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Mar 14 02:04:15 EST 2006

  white smoke and a pinging or rapping sound, sounds like a bad injector.
  First thing to go with low oil is a rod bearing.  Shouldn't have bent any 
valves.  I'd check injectors for the smoking and noise.  Rod bearings could 
also be making the noise so it'd be smart to pull the pan and check them 
out.  Often if the rest are good, only one will be bad so check them all, the 

top is usually the worst.

In a message dated 3/13/2006 10:54:24 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
koldrid at UVM.EDU writes:

> After installing a new oil filter and filling with oil, I started it 
> up. It runs, but blows white smoke and makes a loud pinging or rapping 
> noise.
> I removed the engine from the van. A quick look unde rthe valve cover 
> and things look fine. Oil and coolant did not mix, and there are no 
> cracks or leaking from head hasket that I see. Could I just bent some 
> valves? What should I inspect or replace? The ease of starting suggest 
> the compression is still good. What tends to go first when oil runs 
> out? 

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