[Vwdiesel] [Audi-VW-Diesels] fuel warmer idea and question

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Tue Mar 14 23:50:55 EST 2006

The ACREVO study in the 80's found that up to 20% veggie oil blended
with diesel was fine, but higher concentrations caused coking and bad
things to the engine.

A 2-tank straight veggie system does 2 things..  First, it heats the
veggie oil to 160 F, (using hot coolant and/or something like the 12v
veg-therm heater) so although it's not as thin as diesel, it's closer,
so you get a good spray pattern.  Second, you purge the veggie oil out
of the system, so it's not sitting in there varnishing your cylinders

There are one tank veggie systems, but they modify the injectors and
fuel lines to compensate for the viscosity.

Converting vegoil to biodiesel solves most of the veg oil problems,
although most biod is 20% methanol (not a blend but within the molecular
structure) which is most likely made from natural gas, so unless you're
using ethanol (harder to get and harder to use successfully) biod is at
most only 80% renewable.

The 3rd method is Diesel Secret.  Not the safest technique to use.
blend gasoline/diesel/dimethylbenzene/xylol and go..  Yeah it works, but
it doesn't seem safe for you or for your engine.

Chugiak, AK
81 1.6NA vw pickup converted to 2-tank veg-therm system
94 1.6TD frankenjetta
biodiesel appleseed processor in pieces.

On Mon, 2006-03-13 at 11:43 -0800, David Cook wrote:
> Hey all-
> I saw something that mentioned using a VW oil cooler
> sandwiched between the fuel filter and it's mount
> (just like the oil cooler is mounted on the engine
> with the oil filter) as a fuel warmer for veggie oil.
> As are a few others on the list, I am mixing diesel
> fuel with filtered, used veggie oil in one fuel tank.
> I am sure that doing this setup couldn't hurt anything
> as far as getting the fuel/oil mixture warmer. 
> However, are there any potential problems with getting
> the fuel *too* warm?
> I know that when doing 100% veggie oil conversions,
> the fuel is heated to coolant temps, so I'm guessing
> it wouldn't be a problem, but I've read that TDI
> engines don't like fuel that is too hot.  So, I guess
> the question is: does my 1.6 L engine care about the
> fuel being hot or too hot?  Or, if I put that fuel
> warmer in, and decided to put 100% diesel fuel in the
> tank this summer, could that diesel fuel being warm
> hurt anything?
> I know that isn't really going to get hot enough to
> run 100% WVO in my car, but I think it would help me
> run my mix with a little less risk.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> David
> David Cook
> Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
> Red '90 g60 Corrado 
> Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
> and others in various states of disrepair
> Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599
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