[Vwdiesel] TDI lifesigns

S. Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Mon May 1 21:42:14 EDT 2006

I laid off the TDI for a couple weeks before trying again this weekend.  
I lined everything up perfectly and all it did was fill the garage with 
unburned atomized fuel.  I finally gave in today and called in Dad.  
Needless to say, 30 minutes after he started working on it, the car 
started.  I hate it when he does that, but I still thanked him profusely 
and cooked him a nice dinner. 

I'll still have to finish timing it and giving it a long shake-down 
process, but things are looking up. 

Hopefully, I'll soon have the chance to post some despondent questions 
about my old '85.


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