[Vwdiesel] lifesigns, cont'd

S. Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Tue May 2 00:16:11 EDT 2006

I got really lucky and the timing was in range when I got it warmed up 
and fired up the VAG-COM.  I didn't have to adjust a thing.  That 
VAG-COM is the best thing since home-made unsliced bread.  My concern 
now is that there's a sound I don't remember.  I have all of the shrouds 
off, but there's a distinct belt whine or some such sound coming from 
the belt end of the engine.  I wish I could attach a sound file (or that 
I had the hardware to do so) so this could be as sound-rich as an 
episode of Car Talk.  It's audible from the cab over the combustion 
sounds, the injectors, etc.  Is that just something I've forgotten about 
since I haven't heard this engine run for two months?  I know the old 
1.6TD doesn't make any sound  like that.  I know about what pilots call 
"automatic rough" when the engine always seems to start making this odd 
sound just as you start to pass over a large body of water, but this 
seems awfully loud for "normal". 

I'm a little worried, too, that the tensioner is slightly looser than 
what it was when I started it up the first time.  Last time it got 
looser (albeit a lot more) it was because the lower large roller bolt 
had failed and the head died 30 miles later. 

I'll start taking short trips around the block and work my way up from 
there, but considering my history with this car, I'm more than a little 


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