[Vwdiesel] success! Removing fuel sender/pickup to clean/polish fuel tank?]

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Wed May 3 20:53:10 EDT 2006

The fuel sender/pickup retaining ring is SCREWED on to the tank..  

No wonder I couldn't find the spot to lift..  This is a 1994, and it's a
genuine VW ring, could the tank be from an a2?  I wouldn't think it
would fit.

And yes, it is a diesel sender/pickup/slosh tank.  (hooray!)


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Will Taygan <william at taygan.com>
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Removing fuel sender/pickup to clean/polish fuel
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 16:13:26 -0800

okay, the strap wrench and some kroil worked to loosen it, thenks guys.
Bentley says to turn it 15 degrees and pull.. yeah, right.  

I've realized this is a GAS tank, not a diesel tank, so maybe there is a
fuel pump in there all mucked up (the wire to power the fuel pump has
been cut.)  

I can't seem to figure out *where* the 15 degree turn should be.  Mine
spins over 90 degrees, and I haven't been able to wiggle it off.  I've
lined it up with the various ridges on the ring like Bentley says, to no
avail, but there are part numbers and other markings on the ring.  

Anyone have an a3 that they can look and tell me where the part # should
be in relation to the fully locked (or even better, the fully open)



(On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 09:32 -0400, Sandy Cameron wrote:
> At 09:47 PM 27/04/2006 -0800, you wrote: the cover
> >plate off in the trunk and can get at the pickup/sender unit but @#$ if
> >I can turn the plastic nut that holds it on.  I've used a block of wood
> >and a hammer and it's just shearing the little grip flanges off.  I was
> >thinking of hacking the whole thing off and buying a new one, but only
> >the nut is available, so I'm up a crick if I damage the pickup/sender.
> >
> A large strap wrench??
> If you have to cut it, send me an address and I will mail you one (no
> charge) I have a couple of extra tanks from parters.
> The unit is straight down, How to decribe this without waving arms?) The
> flange of the insert is the same dia. as the outside of the tank opening.
> There is a big rubber gasket ring between the insert and the tank, dont let
> it fall into thentank (a friend did, what a maess when we fillled it with
> veggie in my driveway...Exon Valdeez
> Make a horizontal cut usinh a hacksaw blade across the top, then worry it
> verticaly, or just split it with a big screwdriver.
> I think if you could warm it up with a hairdryer, and then apply a strap
> wrench, it would come loose.
> Vacuum the dirt and sand from the area before taking the unit out, after
> removing the ring.
> You will find the mesh of the white plastic screen at the bottom of the
> intake has "healed over" somewhat..poke some bigger holes in it to let the
> cold flow thru in -40 weather.
> The flter will take care of the junk that gets through 
> Sandy


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